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Elf on a Shelf Shoemaker Skillz

Elf on a Shelf Shoemaker

Sometimes opportunity just presents itself…

We got home from Louisiana and as I was scurrying around trying to wash uniforms and put everything away, the Princess Cupcake came walking up to me with face all scrunched up about to wail.  You know that look. It was that point where she is so upset that she isn’t breathing and it’s all about to come out in a gigantic loud balling mess.

I had no idea what had happened. I didn’t hear a bang, or a thud, or a crash, or a pug scramble.

I was in the dark because she couldn’t speak, and she was waving her one of her favorite shoes.

elf on a shelf sewingNow, these are not just any shoes. The ones she got at Cinderella’s Castle at Disneyland. The very shoes her fairy godmothers in training gave them to her at the Bippity Boppity Boutique. The shoes that have the biggest jewel on the top and glitter all over them. The shoes she wears every day because they are her princess shoes. The shoes she would sleep in if we didn’t have a “no shoes on the bed” rule in our house. Oh yes, THOSE shoes.

The stitch holding the giant rhinestone had broken and the rhinestone was flopping off. She was devastated. “THEY’RE BROKEN!”

Well, Chintz must’ve seen how upset she was while we were sleeping because he got Mommy’s glasses and sewing kit out, and fixed her shoe himself.

What a nice little Elf. Seems making those toys all year long has given him some serious skills. Or maybe he is related to the shoemaker’s elves.

See more Elf on a Shelf ideas.


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