THIS struck a nerve. It’s just one of many viral posts out there.
I am so over the haters in this world.
Stop pointing fingers and judging how other Mom’s should parent already.
Stop espousing about how enlightened you are now that you feel justified to ignore your kids.
Get out of my newsfeeds and off your high horse about how ridiculous you think the “other” moms are who put extra effort into their kids parties or stay up at night to Elf. Stop trying to make Mom’s feel ashamed for having fun making memories with their kids. That’s just evil. You’re the antagonist of parenthood and it’s time someone stood up to your bullying.
Every mom is different. Stop comparing yourself to other moms. Don’t give a freakin’ flip about what they are doing. Do what you feel is right and shut up about it without passing judgement. What is comfortable for you and how you engage with your family may or may not be right for me and mine. I’m mom my way, you mom yours. I don’t want to hear your holier than thou reasons for why your store-bought Target cake is better than the one I enjoyed making from scratch with my kid. They’re both perfect. Kids like them both. End of story. Worry about yourself instead of trying to go viral with these ridiculous yet eloquently crafted blog posts that thinly veil your jealousy.
I am a blogger. Yes. I give opinions. Yes. Am I ever going to tell you how to parent? No. I share with you how I parented, how I made something for my kid, what I elfed all through December, but I don’t judge you for NOT doing any of that. Just because I do these things doesn’t make me a “better” than another mom, it’s just the way I choose to mom. If you don’t like what I did or it makes you inadequate, DON’T READ MY BLOG. I can assure you that nowhere in my pages did I put you down because you don’t mimic my every move. I completely understand that it makes ME feel good to be involved in my kids school and to play with her when she comes home. And yes, to throw over-the-top parties. If that screws her up in the long run, I’m good with it. Everyone’s screwed up in one way or another – that’s the beautiful thing about life.
Years ago it was the feminists that were polarizing, now it’s the mominists that think they can decide what’s “right” and what’s “too much” based on their own insecurities and all or nothing attitude. If you feel compelled to attack moms who parent differently than you do, you need to look in the mirror sweetie, because you’re the one with the real problem. Spend your time being a mom to your kids, not comparing yourself to the way other moms parent.
If you are a parent who loves being crafty and doing amazing projects for and with your kids – awesome, rock on!
If you are a parent who doesn’t enjoy these things – “ain’t nobody got time for that”!
The “magical” moments in childhood all have something in common – a parent who is centered and happy and able to really be there in that moment.
So let’s focus on what makes each of us centered and happy. Whether it be found on pinterest or in a pile of leaves. Don’t feel pressured to be anything other than what each child needs from you. And let’s stop judging each other while we are at it 🙂
Amen sister. I could have saved myself a ranting agnst-filled afternoon if I had you write this post for me. 🙂