Didn’t our grandmothers get together and sew quilts? I am pretty sure it wasn’t with mimosas and I’m guessing it was more of a pot-luck, but I certainly felt a little retro cool to be invited to a sewing party. I couldn’t miss it since it was at my crafty super swell friend Bianca’s house.
As I was heading out the door, the hubs donated one of his shirts to have Bianca “demonstrate the button feature” on the machine. He’s really thoughtful like that. Especially since he says that it took me 5 years of him asking for me to sew his shirt buttons back on another shirt – and when I did, they were in the wrong place. Not a great look for lopsided button collars. He hasn’t asked ME again, but take note that he has faith in Bianca.
Don’t we all.
I was hoping she’d teach us all how to sew – or if I was the only sewing-challenged one there I was prepared with my self-sacrificing laugh at my own lack of talent.
This was one of those “House Parties” (I did one about a year and a half ago for UL Labs – if you aren’t familiar, click through. They’re fun) sponsored by Singer. We all had the opportunity to take a spin on this amazing new sewing machine – aptly named the “Confidence Stylist” — which by the way is infinitely better than my hairball spitting thread chewing demon that I have been using. And by taking a spin, I mean by making, you guessed it – a CRAYON ROLL disguised as a brush roll.
The upside of this is that of all the lovely fun ladies who came, (aside from Bianca of course), I might have had equal if not more experience “sewing” than most of them thanks to my crash course in crayon rolls just a month earlier. Actually one or two just came to eat – which I couldn’t blame them. Bianca does good grub — and it all had kitchy sewing themed name cards. However, I hope Bianca’s expectations for us weren’t dashed. I really don’t think Bianca will be hosting a quilting bee at her house anytime soon with this lot of newbies. No offense – they’re cool to hang with, but probably not the super star sewers of yesteryear. Myself included.
So just as I was falling in love with the automatic threading feature (um, WOW), the oh so quiet hum (as opposed to my freight train that shakes the whole dining room table), and the bobbin guaranteed not to tangle (I’m sold), I realized that my carriage was about to turn back into a pumpkin.
I had to scoot early and it actually worked out perfect as I didn’t have time to finish my “brush” roll and just shoved the fabric pieces in my goodie bag. I say it worked out perfect because when I got home and realized, I have literally no use for a brush roll – but I DO need something to corral all the panties and plastic bags in my purse. Have I mentioned how much I hate potty training? Not only do you have to carry panties, wipes, bags for the accident clothes, new clothes, we have diapers as well since the Princess is not fond of going #2 in the potty, but she does like to go in a diaper. And every time I am at the check out lane, I am digging to the depths of my saddle bag to find my wallet, yanking out panty after panty out onto the counter. It’s only a little embarrassing.
Genius, I sewed up the rest of my roll with two big pockets: one for baggies and one for those adorable little Tinkerbell panties that I have to take everywhere with me. No more pulling out undergarments while strangers stare at my odd behavior while fishing out my debit card.
The goodie bag Bianca sent us home with had a ton of thread, two PATTERNS (gasp – I’ve not sewn with a pattern in my whole adult life), and a gob of coupons. Seriously, if you are wanting a Singer (this cool machine is on sale for $250 and the coupon is for 15% off on top of that), send me a message and I’ll send you one of these discounts. They’re good through June 6.
Thanks Bianca and Singer! It was fun!