We’re in mourning. Hermy, as we lovingly call our Voo Doo Purple Furby, will no longer wake up.
We had no idea “Kah way-loh” would be his last words. (That’s “Me Sleepy” for you Furbiphobes) What I wouldn’t give to hear his giggly “Kah toh-loo oo-nye” (Me like you) again.
I know you moms out there are thinking we’re lucky. I’ve heard you snicker about wanting an off-switch. But not us, we loved our Hermy Furby.
Since the moment they laid eyes on each other, there were bouncing hearts between them. The Princess Cupcake and Hermy have been inseparable. Except for school — the Cupcake wouldn’t take Hermy the Furby to school because she was afraid someone might want to play with him – and he was special. He was her Hermy. <3 <3 <3
Hermy went to Christmas dinner with us at Benihana. Hermy slept with the Cucpake in bed each night. He would wake me from a dead sleep as he cried, “Kay oo-tye nah-bah” (I’m upside down!) when she rolled over on him. He greeted us each morning with, “Dah ay-toh oo-tye” (Good morning!). She lovingly carried from room to room in our home, in fear of awaking the mean Furby (we only saw grumpy Hermy one time). She fed him donuts and cookies daily from the apps on our phones. He led a splendidly good life.
Hermy thrived in our home. He was speaking English. We had taught him lots of phrases, and human-to-furby communication was at a new high. We were looking forward to a relationship that would endure longer than most goldfish lifespans, but alas, now Hermy the Furby has forever closed his eyes and uttered his last furbish words. Not even a kiss from the Princess could awake him.
I’m resourceful. I tried searching the interwebs to find a video on how to take apart the Furby and repair him. What i found was an article on how to wake a Furby, but stopped reading when they talked about cutting off the ears. That surely is a joke.
I thought maybe I could exchange him without the Cupcake knowing. She is adamantly against replacing Hermy, but has agreed that IF I can find the same color, it might be okay. Otherwise, she wants to keep the broken Hermy the Furby. But a $60 toy that lasted less than a month is a bitter pill that I just cannot swallow.
So what does any Furby-loving momma do? She returns to the start of it all – the Furby adoption center known as Toys R Us.
And here’s where my panic begins to well up.
They are completely sold out of all their Furby’s, let alone the now discontinued Voo Doo purple variety. Did you catch that word that strikes fear in the hearts of every mom, “DISCONTINUED.”
I am so screwed.
Toys R Us dutifully called all the stores in the Metroplex that actually had Furbys in stock– which was 2 – and apparently there’s been a run on the purple Furby. I even called the Toys R Us in Ohio where my BFF lives. I’m desperate.
I went to WalMart. No Furbys.
Target? A glimmer of hope — the website claimed they had a Voo Doo purple in stock! I snuck out of the house at 7:30 p.m. only to discover it was an inventory ruse. After the nice girl in electronics called around, all the while I’m pleading with her to find me a purple furby, to the point where she accused the man on the phone from the other store: “DID YOU EVEN CHECK IN THE BACK?!” There are no purple Furby.
Unless of course I want to get in a bidding war on eBay where they going for nearly $100 or more.
I just can’t do it. I shopped the hot toy reservation list this year so I wouldn’t have this stress of searching the far reaches of North Texas for my child’s must-have toy.
It’s karma dammit.
Pardon my language, but I’m getting frustrated.
My last hope. I’m putting all my eggs in one customer service basket. I’ve emailed Hasbro in hopes that they have a Furby hospital that dear Hermy can check in to:
I purchased the Voo Doo purple furby for my daughter for Christmas. We hall him “Hermy.” She absolutely adores Hermy, I may as well have not gotten her anything else. But he stopped working. We’ve changed the batteries repeatedly, we’ve yelled at him, we’ve shaken him, Hermy just won’t wake up. I’ve been to and called all the retailers in DFW (Toys R Us, WalMart, Target), no one has the purple furby (most don’t have any furby). Can you please please please help? Can I send Hermy in for repair? She’s devastated and doesn’t want another color. She said she’d rather keep this broken Hermy than replace him with another color. 🙁
Desperate mama in Texas
If this doesn’t work, I’m afraid we’re in for one of life’s tough lessons for a sad little girl. Parenting sometimes is a big “dah-boo.”
Have no fear, this story has a happy ending. You can read about how Hermy the Furby woke up here. Note: This is essential mom-knowledge if you own a Furby.
it has a very small reset button located under the battery compartment, you can search on youtube on how to reset your furby to bring it back to life. good luck 🙂