So here we are, on our way to NYC cruising above 10,000 feet where wifi is enabled:
And I am doing a little shopping on the way:
And I have a few show updates:
We are pretty sure the show is going to air LIVE tomorrow on the Hallmark Channel. I actually do not even have the option to get the Hallmark channel with AT&T Uverse in our area so anyone who can record it for me would be my hero!
The program is set to feature hearty salads, a photo mat craft and… wait for it…. The Moss Man. And while moss could be a riveting conversation topic at some dinner parties circles, we are trying desperately to imagine WHY Martha would need us to tweet and blog live about this.
Regardless, I am ALL IN and have my twitter fingers polished and ready to roll – complete with Martha Stewart logo. Yes Martha, you can throw a little mossy swag my way for that one.
Now that I’ve revealed the mystery programming, I am sure you are even more eager for the live updates from the set! I mean really, who doesn’t love a good salad?! My twitter-less friends, have no fear. You don’t HAVE to have a twitter account to follow along. Here’s how you can read the live stream from me, Bianca and Molly.
Go to and enter the words “RoadToMartha” where it asks you for the hashtag. Hashtag is simply the # sign that you put on words to allow you to filter your twitter results. You should see the stream of posts that we’ve been tweeting over the past several days. Tomorrow morning we’ll switch to #MarthaLive since it’s shorter and, well, we’ll be live. 🙂 You may need to hit the refresh on occasion to get it to update. (Yes, if you have a twitter account you can still use tweet chat.)
Here’s a caveat. If you want to send me a message during the show, like a question about the set or to tell me my zipper is down, you’ll have to have that twitter account. Relax… It’s a painless process to set up, even my hubs has one.
1) Just go to and pick out a screen name and password.
2) Then do a search for me (all twitter names or handles are identified by a @ sign) tperot and MommyUpgrade. Bianca is texasbjeweled and Molly is imegimoo.
3) Click on the follow button. Done.
Now, to send a message that we will see (and everyone else on tweet chat) type your message like this:
@MommyUpgrade Can you bring me some of that lettuce back to Dallas? #MarthaLive
If you include the #MarthaLive then it will show up in the tweet chat. If you don’t, I’ll still get it. If you want to send me a direct message, it would look like this:
d @MommyUpgrade Can you bring me some of that lettuce back to Dallas?
No need to put a hashtag in because no one else will be able to see it since it will go directly to me only. Also, the only way that I’ll get a direct message is if I am also following you. Which I will, just send me a regular message and tell me you’re signed up!
Remember, twitter is only 140 characters so use abbreviations and keep it short! Twitter will tell you if you’ve maxed out your characters.
I’ll be posting occasionally to Facebook as well but not as frequently as I will tweet.
Thanks everyone for you attagirls. This was a great surprise and makes it so much more fun to be able to share with you!