Our 7th Craft Exchange was a total blast. I threw in a Breakfast at Tiffany’s theme to see how everyone would interpret it. I adore that Debbie Ernst made it her own with this simply and super fun, perfect for summer, fabric necklaces. I’m obsessed and want to make them in every color!

You can even make them for your favorite sports team! Just pick your favorite fabric and you’re set.

Here’s her inspiration and how you can make your own necklace to match every outfit!
What was your inspiration to make these fabric necklaces?
I chose it because it was a whimsical, modern take on the classic accessory of a string of pearls ala Audrey Hepburn. It looked like a very fun project to make and a fun accessory with summer coming up. I used Tiffany Blue and Black & White for the color scheme, also in keeping with the theme of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
What materials did you use?
I used fabric and marbles (yes, marbles). The “official” name of the project from “How Does She” is “DIY Necklaces (That cost mere marbles)” The link is here.
Where did you get your materials?
I bought the fabric at Jo Ann’s and the marbles at the Dollar Tree
Cost of materials:
Mere Marbles! But seriously, here is what I spent:
- $1 bag of 50 marbles (this was enough to make about 6 necklaces)
- $5 or so for the fabric (you can also use fabric from your stash but I had specific colors in mind)
How did you make it?
I Cut a 3*60 inch piece of fabric, sewed it into a big long tube, leaving a 2-3 inch opening at one end. You then have to ‘turn’ the fabric, and this was the time consuming part. I really need to invest in a fabric turner! I then tied a knot about 10-12 inches from the end, inserted a marble and tied another knot. Repeat this step until you have a piece at the end the same length as the other end. Tie one last knot and then stitch up the opening and you are done!
How long did it take per item?
In three hours I made 4 necklaces, with the majority of the time being spent ‘turning’ the fabric. After I purchased a turner, the time was cut down to about 15-20 minutes per necklace.
What was the hardest part about making this?
Have I mentioned turning the fabric? Getting started was the hardest part just because of life, and just getting up to the sewing room was a challenge. It was also surprisingly difficult to find fabric and paint (for the boxes) in the “Tiffany Blue (aka Robin’s egg blue) color.
What was the funnest part about making this?
Using the marbles – fascinating to my 6 year old boy who kept trying to take my marbles! I liked the unexpected of using an unexpected material to make jewelry / necklace.
Do you like it?
I do!
If you made it again, what would you change?
- Nothing – I liked the way it turned out but came up with many more Variations
- I would use different colors to match my wardrobe.
- I would add an embellishment such as a yo yo flower, or even add beads as spacers.
- I would make a matching bracelet
- I would go get a different color paint for the boxes I put them in to more closely match the Tiffany’s color. But the Ice Storm kept me at home.
Would you make it again and why?
Yes, I would!
- I want to make some for my mother and the other ladies in the nursing home. It’s a fun piece of jewelry that you can wear, throw in the wash if it gets dirty and it is inexpensive in case it gets lost
- I also thought this might make a fun mother’s day craft for the cub scout den. But I’m not sure they can all tie knots just yet!
- I also want to make some for myself!
- I made one for Ace’s teacher using her College Colors (OSU). This would be a fun craft for Game Day Colors, Baseball Moms, Basketball Moms, etc…
What a fun and unique jewelry project! Perfect for summertime. Thanks Debbie!