Sometimes you just can’t find the right accessory to go with your outfit. It’s an issue, for sure. Jenn Andrlik in our Craft Exchange Challenge solved it though. She makes her own fabric bracelets, and several lucky girls in our group received some of her custom work.
This is smiling Summer, not Jenn. Summer is happy to get Jenn’s handmade treasures. Jenn was watching us gush on Google Hangout from somewhere near NYC.
Aren’t they fun?
The craft exchange challenge rules were that Jenn had to use three specific Martha Stewart Crafts products in her project:
Here’s how Jenn made these bangin’ bangles, in her words. She’s somewhat of an expert on these things as she has a book coming out that features her handmade jewelry. Consider this your exclusive preview. 🙂
What did you make? Bracelets
Why did you choose it? I have playing with jewelry making a lot lately (for a book I just wrapped) and this seemed like a fun and easy way to use all of the materials we were given.
What materials did you use? Blank wood bracelets in three different sizes, fabric, paper, mod podge, flocking powder, and hot glue.
Where did you get your materials? DIY Bangles and my own stash
Cost of materials: $55
How did you make it? I used the fringe scissors as much as I could on the fabric and paper.
For the fabric bracelet, I cut the fabric in small strips, hot glued one end to the underside of the bracelet and started wrapping. I secured the other end with hot glue as well.
For the paper bracelet, I cut the paper and used the mod podge to adhere it to the bracelet.
For the flocked bracelet, I used craft glue and created different designs and pressed the flocking powder on to the glue to make it sick.
How long did it take per item? The fabric was by far the easiest and fastest, maybe 5-10 minutes per bracelet. The paper one took about 30-40 minutes per bracelet and the flocked bracelets took about 15 minutes per bracelet plus drying time.
What was the hardest part about making this? Using the materials given. I had never done flocking and the fringe scissors didn’t cut as well as I thought they would.
What was the funnest part about making this? Coming up with the project and buying the materials.
Do you like it? I like parts of it J
If you made it again, what would you change? I would just repeat the fabric bracelets for the entire project, but that’s only if we didn’t have to use ALL of the materials J
Would you make it again and why? Yes to the fabric bracelets, no to the others. Although I did think the flocking was interesting and turned out pretty good for my first time.
Be sure to check out the book: The Jewelry Recipe Book by Nancy Soriano, where Jenn was a maker in it and the project manager.
Trista, those fabric bracelets are fabulous! It’s amazing that Jenn was able to think of an idea like this. I’m looking for a project to do with my nieces, and I’m hoping that something like this will bring us together. Hopefully they’ll be able to focus through it—it doesn’t look very easy to construct!
Lily de Grey |
Would love to see them if you pull it off!