Like many parents who have been intrigued by the Maleficent trailers, I couldn’t wait to see the summer blockbuster from Disney. Even the hubs wanted to see it and I’m sure Angelina Jolie had nothing to do with his interest in the movie. 🙂
But there was one member of our house who was campaigning HARD to see it. The all of six years old Princess Cupcake has told me for weeks that she would NOT be scared watching the movie.
And guess what, she wasn’t.
I won’t say that there aren’t intense moments in the movie where I thought, “Oh geez, she’s not ready for this.”
“I’m not scared Mommy. I’m just interested.”
Okay then. Apparently she was ready.
I was surprised because the Princess Cupcake does not watch scary movies. She has seen a few non-animated flicks like “Beverly Hills Chihuahua,” “The Princess Bride” and, “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe,” but no Transformers or Spider Man for her yet so this was a big leap of faith for me to trust Disney and their PG rating (which could go either way) and take her.
This movie on the whole is not that scary. I think the trailers are pretty accurate for the level of drama that you’ll see. The tale is touching, the cinematography enchanting and certainly leaves you with the message that there’s two sides to every story, and let’s not overlook the empowered woman, aka elephant in the room. There is some violence, and you’ll see one person quite obviously die. In the end though, you wind up loving and cheering Maleficent and I don’t think that’s too much of a spoiler. I won’t say any more or else I totally will give away the ending.
Obviously you have to decide what’s right for your child and their maturity level, I can’t decide that for you. As a more conservative parent who has forbidden Monsters High in our home to another curious parent, I would suggest to you that if your child understands that fairies are not real*, and that killing people is bad, and cursing them with black magic is also a no-no, and that real trees can’t come to life and chase people, then they’re probably okay to see it. It certainly provides for some interesting dialog with your child post-screening.
*I don’t know exactly when it happened but the Cupcake knows that fairies are imaginary, yet still believes in the tooth fairy. We don’t argue the logic although I suspect it has something to do with the fact that she hasn’t lost any teeth.
A word of caution however, do not show up early to the movie. The previews shown at the Lewisville Studio Movie Grill (and quite possibly your movie theater as well) are NOT appropriate for this age group. I can forgive the Transformers, but I am really disappointed that they would cross promote such mature concepts – of a recurring theme — becoming an orphan. Mind you, this was a matinee. The previews hyped the remake of Annie, which while funny with Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz, are clearly targeting an older audience with suggestions of prostitution and language we don’t use in our house. More disturbing and where both the hubs and I quickly jumped to cover the eyes and ears on the Princess Cupcake was the preview for “If I Stay.” The preview portrays a young girl in a car accident where she loses her entire family and as she herself clings to life trapped between dying and living, she is recalling what she has to live for, namely young teenage love and angst. Ugh. Not for my 6 year old thanks. And don’t get me started on the big hot mess that was is the dia de los muertos cartoon where the dead skeleton characters fall in love. I don’t even care that “Book of Life” was created in Dallas, I need some warning before you show that stuff to my kid because I am the one who has to explain it later. Major fail Studio Movie Grill, major fail. I don’t think I’ll be trusting you by attending your summer kid’s series for fear we’ll be seeing previews of “All Cheerleaders Die” or “Paranomal Activity 5.”
How theaters chose movie previews
To be fair though, they did show the preview for Big Hero 6 (from the makers of Frozen and Wreck It Ralph) and it had the Cupcake belly laughing louder than anyone in the whole theatre. If it’s anything like the preview, it will be an instant favorite at Chez Perot.
The net net of it is, the Princess Cupcake and I fell in love with Maleficent and her wicked ways. We can’t wait to see it again!