Hey North Texas. Mark your calendar for September 18th. It’s Giving Back Day, y’all.
Launched in 2009 by the Communities Foundation of Texas and the Center for Nonprofit Management, the North Texas Giving Back Day serves as a single day fundraiser for 1,500 local non-profit organizations. North Texan’s 75,000 donations resulted in $25.2 million going to worthy charities in 2013 — and they hope to shatter that milestone this year.
It’s stupid simple to participate. Put the 18th on your outlook calendar, log onto NorthTexasGivingDay.org with your credit card and in 5 minutes you’ve done your good deed for the day. The nonprofits will be hugely grateful for your donation, and by you donating, they also have the opportunity to win additional cash prizes in several categories that include most donors, largest increase in unique donors, best integrated marketing campaign, and more. Check out this list to see if your favorite nonprofit is participating. You might even learn about some you’ve never heard of.
If click and give doesn’t give you enough sense of purpose, you can also attend one of the Donation Station events listed here and join with your fellow contributors to celebrate the incredible works these groups provide to our community.
What I’m probably most excited about is the KIDS GIVE sponsored by DFW Child magazine. Kids will have an opportunity to develop their giving heart by donating their loose change like the grown-ups, AND they can practice their hands-on generosity by assembling “Hope” packages for kids in the hospital, making bookmarks for foster kids, planting seeds for community gardens, or even making pet toys for shelter animals. There will even be food trucks and performances (there’s a list below), and a Goodwill truck to accept those gently used donations from your garage. You know you have a pile of stuff that needs to go.
Instead of jumping on the latest Groupon on the 18th, take a moment to recognize how good you have it compared to others. Join our community to share our blessings – no matter how big or small – to those in need on September 18th.
Kid’s Giving Event
Performances By:
- 11:00am: Parkinson Voice Project
- 11:15am: Lone Star Wind Orchestra
- 11:30 am: Shakespeare Dallas
- 12:00pm: Dallas Children’s Theater
- 12:30pm: Anita N. Martinez Ballet Folkloriko
- 1:00pm: Junior Players
- 11:00am-2:00pm: Equest Ponies
- 11:00am-2:00pm: SPCA of Texas
- 11:00am-2:00pm: Dallas Black Dance Theater
- 11:00am-2:00pm: Dallas Zoo

Hand-on Volunteer Activities by:
- Achievement Center of Texas – “Painting without Sight”
- Buckner International – writing notes and coloring pictures to put in shoes that will be given to children in need
- HopeKids North Texas – putting together “hope” packages (toys, crayons, other items) for kids in the hospital
- Lone Star Circus Center – circus skills (juggling, hula hooping)
- Lutheran Social Services of the South – writing cards and making bookmarks for foster children in Dallas
- Goodwill – clothing drive
- Operation Kindness – make dog and cat toys
- REAL School Gardens – planting seeds to be donated to school gardens
- Resource Center of Dallas, Inc. – food drive
- SPCA of Texas – create “adopt me” bandanas for shelter animals
- Women In Need, Inc. – putting together “care kits” for victims of domestic violence