I’m going to wager a guess that if you’re reading this blog, you’re on an internet connection from your house or you’re on your mobile phone sipping a Starbucks. You’ve probably spent the last few weeks driving the tollway to find the perfect gifts to give your kid’s teachers, the neighbors and your family. The holidays for you are filled with many blessings and you’re probably overwhelmed thinking about how to get everything wrapped in time and the feast synchronized in the oven for dinner.
There are others who do not have the same stresses that we who live in big houses with nice cars do. In fact, they are not sure how they will even feed their children during the holiday break since they rely on the school’s free breakfast and lunch programs for their main sustenance – and THAT is something some local folks are working hard to change.
In November 2011, four North Texas families were made aware of 6 kids at a local school who were being sent home every Friday with a backpack of food because they were not getting enough to eat on the weekend. After talking to the school counselor, these four families found out many of these kids were going to be hungry over the holidays when they were out of school for a week.
The foursome decided to do something about that and with that desire to help, Love Pacs was born. This amazing organization collects specific food donations to benefit those children whose main meals are the government funded school meal program. A list of specifically requested food items is provided to donors, who in turn purchase and pack the items into small moving boxes. Those boxes of much-needed nourishment are then distributed at the schools for those families in need.
This organization warms my heart, and likewise has made an impression on many in my neighborhood who often facilitate Love Pac collections for the local schools. Just this year, our generous community donated 19 boxes to a nearby elementary school thanks to the most recent leadership of one thoughtful neighbor and local teacher, Angie Jordan. It took 4 people to deliver these weighty Love Pacs!
(Thanks Bill Pippine, Keith Vesper, Tony Briley, and Rick Moody for being our delivery drivers!)
Hats off to the founders of Love Pacs (you can read more about them here) and for our neighborhood for donating these needed food items to the families in need. I’m sharing their story because it’s an inspiring example of human kindness, but also to take part in the UPS Wishes Delivered campaign.
UPS has promised that for each story of people giving selflessly for others that is shared on social media and tagged with #WishesDelivered, that they will donate $1 to their charity partners, up to $150,000. It only takes a few seconds to recognize someone you admire who’s making a difference in your community. By participating in UPS #WishesDelivered, you provide two benefits: 1) You’ll raise awareness of a organization dedicated to helping others, and 2) you’ll be giving back through the UPS donation.
You can learn more about the UPS Wishes Delivered campaign by visiting the #WishesDelivered Site or watching this brief video.
Don’t stop there. Be sure to watch this touching story of how Mr. Brown is making his own mark on the world with his book donations to children in need.
Who do you know that should be highlighted for Wishes Delivered? What’s your wish?