Okay, I’ll admit. I’m one of those who has a house that is a constant flurry of projects and activity. I love it when friends pop in, but let’s face it. I wish they’d only do it on the days the maids come. If I know they are coming, I’d have to spend a — ahem — while, getting the house “ready.” I used to stress about it, now I just don’t care that much. I mean, I do…. but I’ve come to embrace the fact that my home will be a whirlwind of mess thanks to my creative mind + my frat house-like hoarding family.
But I’d like that to change. I really would. And I keep saying, if I just had a week off… I know I can tackle that room if I have a long weekend. Truth is, I just have to start and do a little each day.
That’s actually the message that I got from, “How to manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind,” a new book from the creator of A Slob Comes Clean, Dana K. White.
I actually crossed paths with Dana several years ago at a Medieval Times press event and I remember thinking, “I have got to read every page on her website stat!”
Well, I didn’t. Obviously from the pile of mail on my entry stairs.
But I did read her new book and found comfort in knowing that I am not alone. Not everyone lives like an Instagram feed. In fact, a lot of people struggle with C.H.A.O.S. (Can’t have anyone over syndrome.) Especially those of us with kids – creative kids of craft supply hoarding parents.
Sigh. The deck is stacked.

This book tho. It’s a breath of fresh air. Like a support group that you can attend from the comfort of your laundry piled-high sofa.

But that Dana, she gets me. I’m not nearly as bad as she portrayed her own situation, (which gives me comfort) but our house has it’s own set of faults. Like the formal sitting room that became the catch all, and now is an obstacle course. Or the craft/play room that has twice the amount of things in it that would allow it to be functional. And thanks to the 29 short — and hilarious — chapters, I feel like she’s got my back.
Yes, it starts with small habits. No surprise there. What really spoke to me though, is to stop looking at my sitting room as a “project.” Or cleaning out my closet as a Saturday all-afternoon activity. Keeping up with your house is an ongoing activity, so stop looking for chunk for time to tackle the disaster areas.
These chapters are full of my Rudy moments:
How to Declutter without Making a Bigger Mess
Head Explosions, Regret, and Re-decluttering
Sentimental Clutter (I have a late mother-in-law collection in my garage to attest to this challenge)
And my favorite: Clutter Guilt.
This may shock you, but we have a maid. I know, the house gets cleaned on the regular, it’s the stuff we’re drowning in.
I’m a work in progress. Just when I get momentum, those mess-makers that I live with start rummaging through the donation piles and “rescuing” things. Dana’s taught me that I have to be the role model. So get ready family, things are going to change. If I have to take off work to smuggle things to Goodwill, they are going to change.
And just so I don’t back out, Dana sent me this gift pack of magic cleaning supplies to get us rolling. I mean, for serious.

When your neighbors see a box of Swiffer supplies waiting on your front porch, there’s no turning back. I mean really. I had to move all the Halloween decorations just to take the photo. (In my defense, I did take that photo a while ago. There’s no Halloween left. It’s covered with Christmas decorations now.)
So, who’s in it with me?
Get your copy of “How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind,” from Amazon here:
I received an advanced copy of “How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind” to review, as well as a sample package of Swiffer supplies which my maids will love because, I pay for clean … but clutter is my kryptonite. All opinions are my own.