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I met Bakerella. And I got a book signed for you.

Me and my bloggy friend Bianca (isn’t she cute?)

Sew Sew

met up at Williams Sonoma because our baking idol was coming to town. And we were both sans little mini-me’s. That’s right. Two crafty moms flying solo to meet and greet none other than the infamous, BAKERELLA in the house!

I don’t know HOW exactly I found Angie’s website (that’s her real name, you know, like we’re tight now). But it was about the time I committed to creating a blog and the Hello Kitty pops experiment that were the joint impetus to me taking the leap to my silly little evolution to online “journalism.” So really, I guess she’s more than my baking idol, she’s a bit of a blog model for me as well.

When I read that Bakerella was coming to Dallas, I blocked off the whole day in case I would need to camp out for a spot in line. (Oh yes, I would.) I called ahead to get the advice of the store, when to show up? Did I need to buy the book there? How many could I have signed? It’s important to be professional you know. I didn’t want to run in there willy-nilly brandishing books all over the place.

Armed with my camera and iPhone camera as back-up, and four books (orders from friends, I swear.) I showed up 2 hours early to beat the crowd. Feeling a tad bit nerdish, I found a not-comfy spot on a bench outside the WS and waited a bit until I thought a respectful swell of people started to gather. I was excited, but I didn’t want to be the first groupie in the door. Although I did tweet that I was number one in line…Ha, ha, suckers.

So after about 40 minutes, I didn’t see a line forming and got suspicious. However, I had noticed a couple people went in and did not come out. Either they were in line now or some culinary fate had befallen them within the upscale gourmet walls of chain store horrors. I was going on a hunch with the former.

I wandered in and timidly asked where the book signing would be. (Hard to not look eager when clutching 20 pounds of the very book she would be signing.) Turns out, the other food art fiends were lined up OUTSIDE the OTHER ENTRANCE to the store. Geezums, I didn’t even know there was another entrance. This isn’t my home mall for gosh sakes, this is the rich people’s mall. I shop at the Galleria — not North Park. Argh.

So I shuffle off to my 24th spot in line. And grab a number for B who is my invisible friend at 25, running just a teensy weensy bit late. Well, later than me who was maybe rightfully the first in line. Or should have been.

While waiting the next hour and 15 minutes, the kind-hearted folks at McCormick and Schmicks started to bring out trays of appetizers to the throng of hungry piranha, I mean bakers. What a smart thing to do – they even offered us 10% off our lunch with our receipt that day. Geniuses bearing a mean bruschetta I might add. It hit the spot – could have eaten the whole tray had they left it with me!

Photo Credit: Bakerella, on Flickr

When we finally get inside, we are treated to a group Q&A with Bakerella. She gave us some great cake pop tips (dunk once, twist and tap your wrist — not the pop) and shared with us what secret tools she uses. What struck me as super cool wasn’t only what Angie said, even though I hung on every word, but that within our group was a class from a not so local high school culinary arts class. Imagine if that was taught when I grew up…

Photo Credit: Bakerella, on Flickr

Anyway, after the group talk we shuffled back outside to get in line with our books. We were let back in a few at a time to get them signed. I was getting nervous. What would I say? I am such a dork at these things. You want to say something memorable and witty so the celebrity is not totally bored and disgusted with you, right?

My turn. Her publicist has her camera on me. I pretend to run in like she’s the Beatles. Only I am a complete goober. Notice no one else is following my lead. Note, especially Bianca.

Trista running

After my face stopped blushing I turn my attention to Bakerella’s shoes.

Bakerella shoes

Oh yes. I like her even more now.

I want to hug her.

I am afraid.

But it’s my chance to talk with her. So I manage to spit out, “Will security come take me away if I give you a big hair hug? I mean bear hug?” Yes, I really said that. She has great hair, I think I was distracted. See, a dork. I’m a dork. I’m a dork.

“No!” She gives me a hug. ☺ Awwww. I thought she’d smell like cake. But no.

I tell her about my first cake pop attempt which was for the Hello Kitty Party mutants for Princess’ first birthday. She doesn’t seem to find the humor in the disaster. (I still do.) She assures me that the owl cake pops use the same technique and I should try those now. She apparently has more confidence in my melted chocolate design ability than I do myself.

Somehow I have managed to nervously talk four books long.

It’s Bianca’s turn, I get to watch her take the cutest picture ever.

Bianca and Bakerella

I am jealous. I never get cute pictures like that. Oh well. I got a hug.

And then it’s done. We admire our freshly inked books and sweet little cake pop buttons.

Like a cherished visit from a friend, it was over too soon. But thankfully, I can visit her blog anytime I like. Only now, it has the stain of goofy groupie silly photos of me on it. Sigh. The price of my over-exhuberance.

Ah, but buried in her Flickr photo stream I found THIS! Thanks Bakerella – you got a super cute photo! Maybe I do have a cute picture in me somewhere. Think I’ll hang it in my kitchen. MUAH!

Photo Credit: Bakerella, on Flickr

Would you like a signed copy of Bakerella’s Cake Pop book? Help me beef up my Mommy Uprade Facebook Fan Page. “Like” it on Facebook and let me know you did (or you’re already a fan) in the comments below. I’ll choose one random winner and send you your very own signed copy and the super cute buttons that she gave with it! Tweet about the contest for extra entries – just be sure to let me know you did. I’ll be so thankful, and because of it I’ll keep the contest open through Thanksgiving. Share the Bakerella love!


  1. Just found out about your super website and I’m in love ;o) Please pick this mommy since my munchkin is only 2 and I have a lot of future birthdays to plan and bake for!!

    • Thanks so much for coming to the site Juanita! I hope you find lots of good stuff. You can appreciate this shirt that Princess Cupcake has: “Two’s aren’t terrible – I’m having a blast!”

  2. Please do not pick me. I, for one, do not even like cake pops. Cake mixed with frosting and then formed into a perfect little shapes only to be dipped in a candy coating. Nope. You aren’t going to persuade me into baking, much less eating, anything like that. Yep, you definitely shouldn’t pick me.
    (Reverse psychology….it couldn’t hurt. Right!?)

    • LOL! Really, how could she dream up such a thing?!

  3. I NEED THIS BOOK!!!! Why, you ask? Reason #1 – I need to add it to my collection of signed cookbooks – Julia Child, Rachel Rey, Paula Deen, Rebecca Rather (The Pastry Queen), and others… (Yes, it helped to have a sister who worked at W/S and Sur La Table!!! Reason #2 – How will I ever keep up with the super room mom and cake pop baker without it? Reason #3 – Because I now live vicariously through your advetures on Mommy Upgrade!!!!

    I am already a fan on facebook, I don’t tweet, but am recomending to friends!

    Love Ya!

    • You are the best!!! And look, your odds are quite good. 🙂



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