As a kid growing up in small town Ohio, walking from our house to downtown was just a typical Saturday afternoon and yes, it was safe back then. My favorite store to stop in was always the Hallmark store. Hallmark had everything a kid could want right? Stickers, cards, stuffed animals, candy, frames, photo albums, gifts… I could spend a whole afternoon in there before moving on to Lolliop, the candy store or to the College Book Store.
It was back then that my relationship with Hallmark began. Through the years we’ve both grown and matured, but Hallmark has remained my steadfast go-to resource for cards – and not just a casual birthday card – but cards that have the perfect sentiment. Because the best part about giving a gift or a card is the moment you share with the recipient when they receive it, and the warm memory you both keep after its over.
When Hallmark invited me to participate in their Moments to Milestones tour, I was ecstatic. Truly ecstatic. Ecstatic like a 10 year old on a Saturday afternoon when I heard the bell jingle as I pulled open the heavy glass door – but you know…more. Hallmark, promised a preview of their newest products and a behind the scenes experience of how those priceless cards come to life – which was enough to lure me through rush hour to downtown. Hallmark promised an experience, but we left with so so so much more. Yes, it was even emotional.
I mean, it was Hallmark! But emotional in a good kind of way. 🙂
Hallmark introduced us to their “Tell Them” campaign, and within the first moments of the presentation, MommysWishList was tweeting how grateful she was that I brought out the cheetah tissues.
Yeah, you did it too. I saw you.
Afterwards, they asked us to write a note to someone who needed a “Tell Them” moment. Since I was already fighting off a full on faucet fest, I opted to choose my BFF who I do love dearly, but we’re far from sentimental about it. This pretty much summed it up:
Next we to try our hand at coming up with our own cards. Oh my.

Our idea, “Just think. One day I might be the stripper at your birthday party.”

Our idea: “From one hot mess to another. Happy Birthday.”
While they introduced their fabulous new products,
they surprised us with cupcakes. Not just any cupcakes. Cupcakes with our own lit candle on top. Cupcakes perched on top of customized photo plates (they used photos from our blogs) with a sweet message on the back.
For a Hallmark writer wanna-be, it was dream come true. I can’t wait to share all the cool new things that Hallmark unveiled to us! I’ve got great Christmas ideas and give-aways for you, but for now, here’s a code so you can get 30% off of great Hallmark personalized items such as birthday plates, invitations and thank you notes. Use code BLOG30 when checking out.
Like receiving the perfect card from a best friend, the Hallmark Moments to Milestones tour left me with that same warm memory that I’ll cherish for years. Thank you Hallmark!
Come back tomorrow for the first of 3 give-aways!
More photos from the Moments to Milestone tour here.