As I am laying in the Princess Cupcake’s bed snuggled up with her (and my MacBook), granting her pleading request to stay with her while she falls asleep, I’m listening to Toddler Tunes, which happens to be the song, “Talking to My Teddy “ and thinking about how I will miss these days when she’s grown. If I could only freeze these moments and grant her wish every evening. As much as I’d like, I can’t always snuggle into bed with her at night. Sometimes there’s just a lot to do.
And that’s where my buddy Christopher is going to help out. Christopher is an interactive story buddy from Hallmark with the sweetest voice you’ve ever heard. Close your eyes, hear him talk and tell me you don’t just want to smush him with hugs! As you read his book (included) Christopher Can’t Sleep!: Christopher is camping with Dad and can’t sleep, so he and Dad go on a walk. Christopher learns how other animals sleep, and realizes he is comfy sleeping like a bear after all. Christopher responds and adds to the story. There’s even a CD (also included) that can read the story for you, or the iPad app works too. And yes, there are additional stories you can purchase. See a video of how Christopher works here.
It’s pure genius, not to mention off the charts adorable. I am fully convinced that it will be a favorite of the Princess Cupcake’s for many years to come. But there’s more than just Christopher to choose from – Check out Hallmark’s full line of interactive story buddies here.
My favorite people at Hallmark were kind enough to give me a Christopher for the Cupcake, and one to give away to my favorite readers. If you’d like a Christopher (retail $34.95) under your tree for you littlest one – yes, Christopher is suitable for a boy or a girl – just enter the contest below. Contest ends December 13th and we’ll do our best to get it to you by Christmas.
Sweet dreams!
stick to a routine
I read their favorite book to them
My kids are usually ready to go to bed by 9 o’clock. I already use the Bixby story buddy on the nights when they are resistant.
We do the bedtime routine – brush teeth, potty, read story, glass of water, snuggle, then lights out!
We have bath time, the read books – usually the same 4 books every night for a month! He loves story books (we have the Watson series that talks, and some recordable ones from the grandparents that he loves!)
I put the younger kids to bed at 8pm and the two older kids at 9pm.. We keep the same routine.
We read books before bed which seems to calm them down.
We read 2 books together and get tucked in, and that’s it!
We brush teeth, then I read a story to my duaghter and son and then my daughter goes to bed. Then I read one more book to just my son and then he goes to bed.
For my baby girl it changes. She has always been a good sleeper. I could always pretty much nurse a short time, give kisses and put her in bed. Now at 18 months she decided since weaning that she wants to rock. Awe. 🙂 My older son….he’s a whole different story lol. I am very diligent about routines, though. Kids like a routine.
Same routine every night: brush teeth, bath time, they pick out their pj’s, in bed, story time and lights out
Thank you
We always put on pajama’s, read a book and then I put her favorite dolls in the best with her.
Get them to brush their teeth with their “special” goodnight brush, and then a goodnight (short) story.
My children are old enough now to go to bed on their own, but when they were smaller, I used music to lull them to sleep.
Three stories and it is lights out. debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
TV, so far it is the only thing. These books are too cute.
My daughter watches a little tv and then when she is up in bed we read a few books before she goes to sleep.