The sun was not yet up this morning and I am in a dead sleep. Until I feel the poke… Poke… POKE!
“Mama! You might want to see this…” Poke, poke, poke.
“MAMA! Come see what Chintz DID.”
She yanks my pillow and takes both hands to shake my head. You know, just to make sure that I’m fully aware of her pleading request.
Chintz and Jewel, our elf on a shelf times two, took it upon themselves to re-educate the dolls and stuffed animals about their rank in the household. The Princess Cupcake woke to this view:

“Mama, I DIDN’T even have ROOM to WALK!”

Her entire floor was covered with blankets. And books.

And nearly all of her stuffed animals and dolls. Wearing her panties. (Fit of giggles when she saw that.) All facing Chintz and Jewel, who were reading them the story of Elf on a Shelf.

In case the furry friends had forgotten how far they fell last year when Chintz arrived and for the 24 days of his visit.
And yet, they sat in quiet obiendiance all day, until the Cupcake announced this evening:
I wonder what the mischievous elf on a shelf is going to do tonight. I wonder…

View Chintz and Jewel’s other Elf on a Shelf mischief here.
Wish I could see Princess Cupcake when she sees the Chintz and Jewel!! Priceless.