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Elf on a Shelf Road Rally

elf on shelf road rally

elf on a shelf road rallyWhen I am out of ideas for Chintz, I can always trust that Cupcake is going to come up with her own great ideas when I ask her what she thinks her Elf on a Shelf is going to get up to.  Last night she said she thought he would do “something funny with Strawberry Shortcake.”

Not surprising at all since she just got a new Strawberry Shortcake doll. But after the green milk and the toilet paper, Elf on a Shelf Fails I didn’t dare torment her by having Chintz do something that would prevent her from playing with her toy du jour.

elf on a shelf road rallySo a road rally it is! One of the Cupcake’s favorite shows is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse – Road Rally where the whole clubhouse crew hops on a different wheeled vehicle and goes — heck, I can’t remember where they go. But it’s a road rally. So I knew she’d get it.

Also a little appropriate as the Elf would be having to take his antics across state lines soon.


Beep Beep…


And just in case you missed this  this cinematic great – here is my inspiration for the Elf on a Shelf Road Rally:


1 Comment

  1. I put the elf in the bathroom on the sink & drew all kinds of sayings on the mirror elfs rock naughty or nice , be good for goodness sake , ect & left all the markers in her hand too cute !



  1. Elf on a Shelf: Day 14 | Mommy Upgrade - [...] 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 15, Day [...]
  2. Elf on a Shelf: Day 16 | Mommy Upgrade - [...] See the rest of our Elf on a Shelf mischief: Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day…
  3. Where not to put your Elf on the Shelf | PARENTise - [...] advantage.  I’ve see some really creative ideas like: having the elf (elves) play cards, having the elf play with…

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