Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and if the thought of another cupcake is enough to make you groan and your waistline pop, check out these 5 easy, no-bake Valentine treats. If you remember nothing else as you’re strolling through the grocery store this weekend, grab chocolate for melting and a bottle of pink or red sprinkles. Likely you can find something on this list to make with what’s already in your pantry when you get home. Or at midnight the night before the morning you were supposed to bring Valentine’s snacks for school.

Valentine Jello Jiggler Hearts
These delicious jello hearts may look difficult to make but they are so not. As far as Valentine’s Day Treats go these are so easy that I even made them one week when I had to make school snack but my oven was broken. Recipe, tips, and the preschool feedback here.
Chocolate dipped anything with sprinkles:
Honestly Valentine’s Day and sprinkles go together like … well like hearts and flowers. The strawberries here were originally made for July 4th, but change the sugar sprinkles to pink and you are good to go.

Here is another easy idea – pretzel sticks, dipped in chocolate and rolled in colored sprinkles. This is amazingly easy but in case you need it, here’s a great tutorial from
The yummy pink rice krispy heart in our main picture is another of easy no-bake Valentine treats recipes and the oreos, dipped in white chocolate dipped in red sprinkles is another. For extra fun, dip a lollipop stick in the melted chocolate, take apart your oreo and place in the middle of the yummy cream center, then put back together. Here’s a great tutorial to get you started on See Vanessa Craft

The marshmallows on a stick are so simple that even the youngest cupid can lend a hand. Just poke the marshmallow with the stick, dip it in the melted chocolate, then into a small bowl of sprinkles. We made these as s’mores pops but you can easily change them up with crumbled pink cookies instead of the graham crackers.
Hot Chocolate on a spoon – these heart-shaped hot chocolate spoons were a teacher’s (and my) favorite. Here’s the full tutorial.
Oreo truffles – one of my FAVORITE things to make. Here’s a tutorial on how to make heart shaped Oreo truffles on Bakerella’s website

Cake batter chocolate bark, as seen on Sweetapolita. Ridiculously easy and adaptable to whatever you have in your cupboard.

Remember, the simplest treat is made extra special when you wrap it in a cute goodie bag and a ribbon. Pick these up anytime you see them on sale so you have them during a spontaneous snack emergency.
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