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DFW Pug-O-Ween Recap

I learned something at this year’s Pug-O-Ween. If you’re going to compete, you’d better bring your A game and don’t mess with those silly store-bought costumes even if they are off the charts adorbs. The bar is simply set at greatness. Last year was our first Pug-O-Ween and I think we were so overstimulated that analyzing the competition was not my focus. However, this year, our puggies dressed accordingly with The Princess Cupcake as their guide, and entered the Ghoulish Group contest.

At first, we were going to go with a whole Frozen theme, but I had visions of me trying to untangle that hair from her tongue all afternoon and Beau overheating in that giant snowman costume warm-hugging him the whole time. Instead, the puggies and the shorty went as the collective minions that they are.

Frozen costumes on pugs
puggie minions at pug-o-ween

Minions! #pugoween #dfwpugrescue #puglife #greatcostumes #minions #latergram

A photo posted by Renee (@blacktailedjack) on

Cute — but bad move competitively. There were other minions. Lots of them. We should have teamed up with all the others and been and a true force, but alas, to borrow my favorite phrase, “we were participating, not competing” at that point. It’s just as well that at Pug-O-Ween, participating is (almost) just as fun as winning because all the proceeds go to to the DFW Pug Rescue group to help fund their valiant efforts to rescue, care, and place unwanted, mistreated, or homeless pugs in Texas. Here’s a roundup of some of my favorite costumes. I’ve borrowed some photos from Instagram (with credit of course) because, well, it’s not always easy to get photos of costumed pugs when you have two leashes of tangled pug minions in your hand and the other on your wallet to protect your 7 year old giant minion from buying everything that is for sale with a pug face on it — which is basically everything there. We’ll start with the winner of the whole she-bang. This group was pretty amazing with their “Chinese Pug Take-out.” Complete with Kikoman’s sauce and sushi pug puppy roll.

kikomans pet costume at pug-o-ween
fortune cookie pug at pug-o-ween
Salad pug

However, my personal pick for most creative was the “Pug is the New Black” group.

pug is the new black at pug-o-ween
PUGISTHENEWBLACK 6/6 #squadgoals #orangeisthenewblack #boo #piper #red #crazyeyes #pornstache #oitnb đŸ“·: @davidnlockwood #nationalpugday A photo posted by Ellie Bear Productions (@elliebearproductions) on

Okay, it gets funnier, but I couldn’t get through the pupparazzi to get better photos. Check out these from her IG account!

Kudos to this creative pug mom who brought the “Puganator!” Poor little guy had lost his eye, so welp. Guess who he got to be? Greatness.

the puganator at pug-o-ween

This “pug-kini” rated pretty high with the judges. Check out her girlish figure!

"Itty bitty yellow polka dot PUGkini" #pugoween A photo posted by Jordanne Campos (@jordanne37) on

For us children of the 80’s, the DeLorean was another show stealer.

delorean halloween costume at pug-o-ween

Dude, check out my ride!

But it gets better. It had lights and sound.

#pugoween was pretty intense. A video posted by Jordanne Campos (@jordanne37) on

If you love that, then I know you’ll love these Star Wars favorites.

#pugoween The force is strong with these two.   A photo posted by Keith Birtwell (@keithbirtwell) on

But really, a puppy will always steal the show, both coming and going.

princess peacock at pug-o-ween

It wouldn’t be Halloween without Frankenstein and his pug bride!

Frankenstein & his pug bride. #pugoween   A photo posted by Jordanne Campos (@jordanne37) on

The dinosaurs clearly wore themselves out.

#pugoween wasted.   A photo posted by Jordanne Campos (@jordanne37) on

I really felt like left shark got slighted. I would have given her a prize just for sweating it out all afternoon in that suit. The things pug mommies will do for their litter.

Left Shark brought some pals. #pugoween #dfwpugrescue #puglife #greatcostumes #latergram A photo posted by Renee (@blacktailedjack) on

Seriously under-recognized was the “UP” entry. I couldn’t get a great photo of the whole family, but they were really awesome. I’ll keep looking on IG and FB to see if I can find it.

up at pug-o-ween

And seriously, WHY haven’t you been to Pug-O-Ween yet?

Peaches is very proud of her #pugoween costume contest trophy! #dfwpugrescue A photo posted by juhmarksman (@juhmarksman) on

Like Francine, we didn’t win a prize, but we sure had a blast. See you next year!


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