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Cheering on the Dallas Komen 3-Day Walk for a Cure

It’s become an annual tradition for me and the Princess.

The first Saturday in November, we get out our lawn chairs and our cooler, load them up in the wagon with handfuls of Halloween candy stuffed in the sides, and camp out on the corner of our neighborhood street to cheer on the 3-Day warriors as they go by.

The Komen 3-Day Walk for a Cure couldn’t be a more fantastic way to share an afternoon with your kids. If you’re not participating in the walk, I highly recommend you drag your lazy heiny out to cheer on the amazingly strong, determined and sacrificing women and men that stride through our (or your) humble hood. It’s the least you can do, and I can’t think of better role models for the Princess Cupcake than these dedicated volunteers who have raised gobs of sponsor money and committed their entire weekend to blisters, port-o-potties and lots of bananas.

We have lots of cancer conversations in our house (sadly), so having a talk  with the Cupcake about the 3-Day Walk for a Cure is a great foundation for her future philanthropic ideas. Even if she doesn’t quite grasp the concept yet…

“MOMMY! Hurry, we have to get ready for the parade!”

“The parade?”

“YES! The pink ladies! We have to get ready!”

And a parade it was. There are: old, young, athletes, fluffy non-athletes, injured, bouncy, men, women, happy, serious…. All united by the passion to make a difference. To take control of a disease that has caused loss for so many. There are hard-core walkers who don’t want to be weighed down with the unnecessary weight of a silly tulle tutu, and then there are the others who giggle the whole way bearing a freshly shaved hot pink Mohawk and angel wings.

pink mohawk dallas 3 day walk for a cure flamingos 3 day walk for a cure

Personally, I’ve never seen so many fuchsia wigs, bras and cars with nipples in all my life.

3 day walk for a cure dallas

My heart swells to see so many Dallas 3 Day Walk for a Cure participants!

dallas 3 day walk for a cure flag

I hope that for a moment that the Cupcake and I gave them a reassuring wave that we appreciate all that they have sacrificed up to and on that day. I hope I was able to catch a moment of the sisterhood,

sisterhood 3 day walk for a cure

commitment and fun that these great volunteers have during their 60 mile journey. I hope by sharing these photos, that you too will grab your little ones, your blankets and your friends to support the 3 Day Walk for a Cure – either from the sidelines, from your checkbook, or from the sole of your tennis shoes.

Walk on warriors, walk on!

miles to go dallas 3 day walk for a cure



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