Aside from entertaining us on the hit Bravo TV show, the Real Housewives of Dallas, Stephanie Hollman off camera is a breath of fresh air. Beautiful, down to earth and big hearted, she shared a few minutes of her crazy schedule to chat with me about the upcoming...
Karma is a you-know-what
I'm just going to say it. Karma is a b*tch. Remember that last post I wrote about how getting a mammogram was more fun than getting your tires fixed? Yeah, well…. Guess what happened to me the day after I posted it. This:Yep. Was coming back from Lakewood at a media...
Lots of Little Movers at OK & Huggies Play Date
Hey y'all - You know how Ellen has correspondents that she sends to different events and they report for her? Well....please welcome my (self-named) "Guest Granny" blogger Barbara! 🙂 She's been a friend of mine for eons and graciously went as MY baby correspondent...
Life lessons in Flashback Fridays
Thanks to this four year old photo which popped up in my “Facebook memories”, I got to reflect on some significant life lessons that I have sadly had to learn since it was taken. Four years ago today, wow. What a roller coaster we’ve been on since that snapshot was...
I miss Kidd Kraddick
That's how I found out. I was in complete and utter shock. I just wanted to say, “God. Enough with the dying already.I know you love these people and you called them home for a reason, but it’s really messing up my world and I don’t get it.” I know that’s selfish....
The Wife Upgrade
“Good morning dear,” the hubs greeted me through the refrigerator door. “Good morning love of my life.” Smiling, I thought it was a great response as opposed to my usual pre-coffee grunt. He looked at me quizzically. “Do you mean that?” Clearly he’s confused. WTF. Of...