First world problems: our liquor cabinet is overflowing at the moment, and we have an impending move looming on the horizon. My job is to purge all unnecessary items from the house -- and while the hubs would argue that whiskey is COMPLETELY necessary and should be...
Cakes and Desserts
A party without cake is really just a meeting. – Julia Child
And really, who likes meetings? Let’s keep it sweet by loading up on cookie recipes, birthday cakes and baked goods for special occasions including Girl Scout Cookies, No-Bake Chocolate Bourbon Balls (yum!) and amazing Southern tea cakes.

The secret to Razzoo’s bread pudding
This recipe and post is hosted by Razzoo’s. They invited several of the media to dinner and shared their secrets for recipes. All opinions are my own.It’s 5:30 am and my alarm goes off. I shove off the puppy who is hovering right in my face so I can find my way to the...
Girl Scout Trefoil Cookie Balls Recipe
Yay! Get your wallets and your stretchy pants ready, those cute Girl Scouts will be rolling wagons through your neighborhood for the next couple of months. You know you want to buy from all of those budding sales stars, so here’s your excuse to stock up. This recipe...
Thanksgiving and Pumpkin Pie – Three Ways
These three pumpkin pie recipes will satisfy the biggest pumpkin pie fans and even those guests who “don’t like pumpkin.”
Recipe for Crock Pot Apple Butter
Since it didn’t come up on your Facebook friend reminders, you probably didn’t know that it was Johnny Appleseed’s birthday last week. Thankfully I have a 5 year old who keeps me apprised of these momentous occasions, and their requisite school celebrations where I...
Ice Cream Bread
"Eat More Ice Cream." She wanted us all to wear bright colors. Not the usual black at her funeral. That would be too sad and un-Cindy like. Cindy wanted us to celebrate LIFE, not sorrow about our loss. Cindy threw herself a huge (and I mean huge) party in her final...
Homerun Baseball Cupcakes
The Princess Cupcake was a hold-out for tball this season. She was not down with the idea of playing in the Texas heat claiming that the “sun would get in her eyes” even with her cap on. Inspired by NY Yankee Andy Pettitte, at the last possible second she shunned her...
Alvin and the Chipmunks Birthday Party
For an entire year… scratch that. Since BEFORE her 4th birthday party, (which we celebrated with a Princess and Knights Birthday Party), the Princess Cupcake pronounced that for her 5th we would be celebrating with an Alvin and the Chipmunks Birthday Party. Oh.. and...
Kids Party Themes – Mermaid Birthday Party
Mermaid Birthday Party Cakes The hubs thinks I am insane. Three birthday cakes for the Princess turning 5. Seems totally logical to me: 1 - Her party with friends 2 - Her party at home 3 - Her party at school The school party is notably the most low-key and the...
Graduation Cupcakes
Can I just brag on my bestie for a minute? Look at the awesome job she did with the graduation cupcakes for her son's graduation party this past weekend. The graduation caps are mini-reese cups with cut Hershey's bars for the top. M&M's are on the very top for the...
Baked S’mores Recipe
S’mores make everything better. Camping, Birthdays…. You know. The big stuff. I’ll tell you this much, I usually don’t like it when I’m the center of attention but f it means someone will bring me a Baked S’mores cake, we’ll zippity do dah, I’ll take a birthday every...
BabyCakes Cake Pop Maker Review
I have been obsessed with the polka dot cakes on Pinterest since they first hit the boards. The trick is in the dots. You need to make the dots before you put the batter into the pan. We’re not talking dots which are cake balls in the traditional sense where you mix...
The easy way to make a cake with polka dots inside
You’ve seen it on Pinterest I’m sure. The polka dot cake. I was obsessed. I had to make it. How did they get the dots inside? I had to know! Spoiler alert: It’s actually quite easy. The secret is that you make cake balls, but not the traditional cake with icing mixed...
Peanut Butter and Banana Muffins Recipe Review
I have a 4 and a half year old. Her list of acceptable food choices is limited. And as much as I'd like to be one of those noble moms who valiantly challenges their kids to eat anything and everything, I don't. She's healthy on her regular rotation of plain berries,...