I bet you're glad you don't live next door to Chez Perot with the crazy peeping elf on the shelf. Chintz and Jewel stole Mommy's camera with the long lens and the Princess Cupcake's binoculars to get a better look at the neighbors across the street.That's not creepy...
Elf on a Shelf
We elves try to stick to the four basic food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup. — Buddy
It’s that time of year again – go get your elf on! We’ve had two Elf on the Shelf for years now and they’re so mischievous. We can give you a sleigh-load of tips from naming your elf to setting up all sorts of fun scenarios from Downton Abbey to Naughty Elves.

The Elfie Selfies Contest
Chintz and Jewel accidentally left their mobile phones under the tree last night when they flew back to the North Pole. You know we snooped. We saw something shocking. We thought WE were the only ones snapping photos of the little red devils around here. Turns out,...
Downton Abbey Elf
The girls were getting their Downton on last night. I suspect that there's not much time for watching the international hit while all that toy making is going on at the North Pole. Jewel, our girl Elf on the Shelf, and her bestie Barbie were all dolled up, using the...
Elf keep-away
The puggies are not amused. Not at all. The Princess Cupcake's Elf on the Shelf Chintz and Jewel stole all their doggie stuff last night and hid it in the oven, knowing full well we can't get to it without touching them. Dog food, bowl, leash, greenies, and gasp --...
Elf on a Shelf Flying: Day 18 Go fly a kite
There's nothing more relaxing than taking a kite out on a windy day and setting it loose, watching it dance in the breeze. I guess our Elf on the Shelf don't get that experience very often at the North Pole. These two mischievous elves found the Cupcake's Ariel kite...
Elf on the Shelf mischief: Day 17 Barbershop
While the Daddy's away, the elves will play. Daddy left town for a couple of days and while he was gone, our elf on a shelf Chintz and Jewel got into his grooming tools. I'm not sure that Jewel has received her cosmetology certification, but she's definitely ready to...
Elf on a Shelf: Day 16 Just hanging around
I have often asked the Princess Cupcake about the Elf on a Shelf in her classroom, "What does your Elf Christmas (his name) do each day?""He just moves from place to place while we're sleeping," she says. Curious, I ask, "Is he a good elf? Does he get into anything?"...
Elf on a Shelf: Day 15 Dreidel
The Cupcake came home from school on Thursday talking about "the spinning top game." I asked her if it was called Dreidel (YES!) and did she play it? (NO 🙁 )It just so happened that the next day as I was out last minute shopping for a gift exchange present, they had...
Elf on a Shelf: Day 14 basket weaving
Oh my. The Elf on the Shelf antics were off the shelf last night. Can you believe these two elves took two rolls of triage tape (in red and green, their favorite colors) and covered the Princess' entire mirror!? I'd say it took them a good while to get all that done...
It’s the Elf on the Shelf Pizza Party
It used to be every morning the Princess Cupcake would climb out of bed and find me wherever I was in the house. She'd come to get a hug and tell me good morning. Every morning. Every day. She didn't go to find Daddy, she came and found me.Until Chintz, the elf on a...
Elf on the Shelf Mischief: Day 12 Shower
As I walked downstairs this morning, I heard this: "Daddy! This is pretty serious. Chintz has a toothbrush. And I don't know if he was brushing his teeth Daddy, or if he was brushing his back like you do Daddy. Jewel had a wash glove on her head.It was MY wash glove...
Elf on the Shelf Rapunzel
Our Elf on the Shelf, Jewel is at it again. Any excuse for that one to play princess, she grabs it. I'm beginning to wonder if she's even going back to the North Pole each night to tell Santa about the puggies at all, or if she's just playing dress up around our...
Elf on a Shelf mischief: Day 10 Show Me The Money
Me: Hey, look at the pink on that car. (While pointing at a black custom Camaro with pink trim) Do you like it?PC: No, I want a pink one like in your picture when I grow up. Can I have a pink one when I grow up?Me: I’ll have to make a lot more money if you’re going...
Elf on a Shelf Deco Mesh
I love me some Deco Mesh. Nothing makes me happier than a delivery on my porch from Mardi Gras Outlet, stuffed full of sparkly, gorgeous, indestructible Deco Mesh. Ooooh, the poofy bowsplosion of possibilities it can bring.But what I didn't know was that: a) Deco Mesh...