Uh yeah. The elves, Chintz and Jewel, apparently took some time out of their busy flight home to the North Pole to practice their skills at Angry Birds. Nice of them to stay out of the way of the maids – I had a hard enough time explaining to them what the Elf on the Shelf was, and how it was crucial they do not touch or dust them off. The horrors.
Jewel lines up.
And takes her best shot at Chintz, the Chik Fil A cows and a random bat and pig. (Cupcake said, “Is Chintz the pig?!?”)
The Princess Cupcake laughed out loud when she saw this and said, “But Mommy. I don’t have an Angry Birds toy.” To which I replied, “Well… I guess you do now. They must have brought it back from the North Pole.”
She was pretty stoked to get an early gift from Santa.
Well played elves, well played.