Not all elf antics are sweet. Chintz, our naughty elf on a shelf is back to his mischievous ways I am afraid. I was a little concerned that he had gone a little far with his latest antics. His 'artwork' was about to give me a true sense of my child's true personality....
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Time for Elf on a Shelf
Okay, so I have some good news and I have some bad news. The good news is that it is time to get started with Elf on a Shelf. The bad news is that it will soon be time to get started with Elf on a shelf. Yes, you heard me right. Much as I love this particular...
Angry Birds Elf Edition
Uh yeah. The elves, Chintz and Jewel, apparently took some time out of their busy flight home to the North Pole to practice their skills at Angry Birds. Nice of them to stay out of the way of the maids - I had a hard enough time explaining to them what the Elf on the...
Naughty Elves
I had a bad feeling about our Elf on the Shelf Chintz and Jewel watching the Smurfs 2 co-starring the Naughties. After spending the entirety of Dallas Icepocolpse Day 1... unpacking from our recent move, the elves took all our bubble wrap that was so carefully folded...
Elf on a Shelf Goes Fishing
“Chintz is REALLY funny, Mama!” “Even when he did the green milk?” “Uhhhh. I didn’t like the green milk.” Ouch. No matter - It seems Chintz, our Elf on a Shelf, has redeemed himself and his destructive ways this morning. I have no idea what she was...
Elf on a Shelf Decorates the Christmas Tree
After our impromptu meeting with Santa where the Cupcake told Santa all about her naughty Elf on a Shelf, Chintz decided to redeem himself and not leave a mess this time. The Cupcake woke this morning to a bright surprise: a brand new pink Christmas tree next to her...