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5 Ways to Teal

Let’s face it. Cancer sucks.

We’ve all probably known someone who has battled Cancer at some point, whether it be a loved one or a co-worker or a friend.

It’s heart-breaking. God knows it’s rocked our household and so many of my friends’ as well, as we’ve all lost a parent or other family member in the fight.

So when Prince’s Mommy who works at the NOCC (National Ovarian Cancer Coalition) asked for some help to spread the word that September is Ovarian Cancer awareness month, I was on board. No need to ask me twice.

Things you need to know about ovarian cancer:

  • Early detection increases survival rate. If caught early, there is more than a 90% survival rate. However, most cases are diagnosed in the later stages and the survival rate is low.
  • There is no screening test for ovarian cancer. A Pap test DOES NOT detect the disease.
  • Some of the risk factors for ovarian cancer include: Personal or family history of breast, ovarian, colon, or rectum cancer

You’ve caught the drift that this is a sneaky, nasty cancer and that’s why we need to spread the word about teal. This year the NOCC has started a campaign called, “Why Teal?” and they are encouraging women and men alike to help raise awareness about ovarian cancer by “tealing” – well – everything. Check out their gallery here.

The Princess Cupcake and I were up for the tealed challenge. Here’s what we’ve have done so far:

1)   We helped Prince’s Mommy decorate a locker at school.

why teal.org

2)   We made teal (okay blue) cake balls and surprised the teachers at school, the neighbors, and a football party with them.

teal cake balls teal cake balls Get Tealed

3)   I bought up all the teal Lily and Laura bracelets from Miss Nan at the Vintage House and am wearing mine every day. I gave one to Prince’s Mommy too. 🙂 Shhh… she doesn’t know I also got her a teal EmiJay  hair tie from Nan… and that’s like a double whammy since Emi Jay donates a portion of proceeds to charities like Locks of Love. I didn’t buy up all the Emi Jay hair ties – go see Miss Nan to teal your ponies.

lily laura bracelets

4)   Because every important event requires a bowsplotion, we ordered a bunch of deco mesh from MardiGras Outlet and made a bowsplotion deco mesh wreath, accented with teal flowers for our door. (Flowers were from Michaels).

deco mesh wreath tealed

5)   We’re telling YOU about it. And you should do the same with the women you care about. Won’t you please take a few minutes to TEAL someone you love? Even if you just pick up a pack of gum in a blue wrapper, pass the information on. And don’t forget the sign! You can print yours here.

There’s so much more to learn, please visit here for information on detection, symptoms and how you can help with the Why Teal campaign.

ovarian tweet chat

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